Types of Birdhouses: Finding the Right One for Your Garden

bird house
I have always been fascinated by the role of birdhouses in creating a thriving ecosystem in my backyard. Not only do birdhouses provide a safe haven for our feathered friends, but they also add an element of charm and beauty to any garden. In this article, I will be discussing the different types of birdhouses available, the importance of birdhouses in your garden, and tips for selecting the right one for your specific needs.


Why Birdhouses are Important for Your Garden

Birdhouses provide a safe and secure place for birds to nest and raise their young, which is especially important during breeding season. Many bird species rely on man-made structures such as birdhouses due to the loss of natural nesting sites as a result of urbanization. By providing birdhouses in your garden, you are not only helping to conserve bird populations but also promoting a healthy ecosystem.

Birdhouses also add a decorative element to your garden. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and designs, making them a fun and creative addition to any backyard. Attracting birds to your garden can also help to control pests, as many birds feed on insects and other small creatures.

Types of Birdhouses for Different Bird Species

There are many different types of birdhouses available, each designed to attract a specific species of bird. It is important to choose the right birdhouse for the birds you are hoping to attract. Here are some of the most common types of birdhouses and the birds they are designed for:

Bluebird Birdhouses

Bluebirds are a popular species for birdwatchers due to their vibrant color and beautiful song. Bluebird birdhouses are typically made from cedar are the ideal choice for a bluebird house for the same reasons why it's used to protect your wardrobe. Numerous bluebird societies recommend cedar because it's both decay and insect-resistant. It has a longer lifespan than most other woods. The birdhouse should have a 1 1/2 inch entrance hole, as bluebirds prefer smaller openings. The house should be mounted on a pole or post at a height of 4-6 feet above the ground in an open space.

Wren Birdhouses

Wrens are small, energetic birds that are known for their cheerful songs. Wren birdhouses are typically made from wood, avoid dark painted wood as this may make the birdhouse to hot for wrens to nest in. A wren birdhouse should have a 1 1/8 inch have round entrance hole. The house should be mounted on a pole or post at a height of 5-10 feet above the ground near a tree or shrub.

Finch Birdhouses

Finches are small, colorful birds that are popular for their beautiful singing. Finch birdhouses are typically made from wood and should be simple as they are more appealing than coloured/painted birhouses. The entrance hole should be no more than 1 1/2 inches big. The house should be mounted on a pole or post at a height of 4-6 feet above the ground in an open space.

Chickadee Birdhouses

Chickadees are small, active birds that are known for their distinctive calls. Chickadee birdhouses are typically made from wood and have a 1 1/8 inch small entrance hole. The house should be mounted on a pole or post at a height of 6 feet above the ground on a tree trunk. Chickadee's like nest boxes that already ahve nesting material inside as opposed to empty nestboxes, they like softer materials such as wool.

Woodpecker Birdhouses

Woodpeckers are fascinating birds that are known for their unique drumming and pecking sounds. Woodpecker birdhouses are typically made from wood and have a larger entrance hole than other birdhouses, the hole should be roughly 2 inches big. The house should be mounted on a tree trunk or post at a height of 10-20 feet above the ground. No nesting material is needed inside as oodpeckers prefer to concave the bottom of the box as their nest.

Hummingbird Birdhouses

Hummingbirds are small, colorful birds that are known for their rapid wing beats and unique ability to hover in place. Hummingbirds will not use any kind of bird house for nesting. It doesn’t matter what size, shape, color, or construction you use; they simply will not move in.

Hummingbird nests are tiny cup-shaped structures they build in the crook of a forked tree branch, about a foot away from the trunk. They prefer trees growing near water, which helps to keep the nest cool.

Tips for Selecting the Right Birdhouse for Your Garden

When selecting a birdhouse for your garden, it is important to consider the specific needs of the birds you are hoping to attract. Here are some tips to help you choose the right birdhouse:

  • Research the bird species in your area and their nesting habits
  • Choose a birdhouse made from materials such as wood or plastic that will withstand the elements
  • Make sure the entrance hole is the right size for the birds you are hoping to attract
  • Mount the birdhouse at the appropriate height for the bird species
  • Provide nesting materials such as grass, feathers, and twigs nearby to encourage birds to nest in the birdhouse

DIY Birdhouse Ideas

If you are feeling crafty, there are many DIY birdhouse ideas available online. Making your own birdhouse is a fun and rewarding project that can add a personal touch to your garden. Some popular DIY birdhouse ideas include using recycled materials such as old milk cartons or tin cans, or building a birdhouse from scratch using wood and other materials.


Birdhouses are an important addition to any garden, providing a safe and secure place for birds to nest and raise their young. By choosing the right birdhouse for the birds you are hoping to attract and providing nesting materials nearby, you can create a thriving ecosystem in your own backyard. Whether you choose to purchase a birdhouse or make your own, adding a birdhouse to your garden is a fun and creative way to promote bird conservation and add beauty to your outdoor space.